


考研作文大纲规定,小作文会考查以下几种形式: 书信、通知、告示、纪要等。从历年真题看, 目前只考过书信和通知这两种。问题是,书信的类型有很多,光考过的就有8种,每一种都复习的话,需要花很多时间。这里分享3个万能模板帮助大家搞定小作文。

1. 信息类信件,包含建议、辞职、推荐、投诉、邀请、介绍这六种以传递信息为主的信件;

2. 情感类信件,包含感谢信和道歉信两个以表达情感为主的信件;

3. 活动通知,附加考纲新增的纪要模板。


Dear 称呼,

熟人I hope you are doing great!/ 生人 This is Li Ming, the President/Chairman of Students’ Union(a staff member of your company/ a customer who bought a pair of shoes in your store). (回信I am really/exceedingly happy/delighted/honored/sorry to learn that you …Thus,) I am writing this letter/email to give you some 类型词 about(with reference to) 主题词/for the purpose of inviting you to participate in the activity.

To be specific, the details concerning(the reasons for) my 类型词 could be listed as follows. It, to begin with, seems that __类型句__ Then more importantly, __类型句__ . Another element that I must point out here is that __类型句__, (which has been ignored by many people.)

I would appreciate it if you will take my 类型词 into serious consideration. Best wishes and I am looking forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


